We hope you do not feel you need to complain about us, but we think it is important that if you do, you have the information you need to make it as easy as possible.
Who can complain?
Anyone who comes into contact with any part of the organisation and is dissatisfied with our services.
What can I complain about?
Any aspect of our work and how you have been treated.
What about the work of the projects the Network manages? Yes, they are covered by our Complaints Procedure too. We currently manage the following projects:
- Banes Travel Support
- Walking Buddies
- Wiltshire Independent Travel Support (WITS)
- Find Your Voice
- Wiltshire Autism Hub
This is how our complaints system works
You are welcome to raise your concerns first of all with any member of staff or Management Committee member (the Management Committee are the elected Board of Directors who manage the Network). The person you raise your complaint with will:
- clarify the issues with you
- see if it is possible to resolve your concerns informally
If this is not possible, you can use our formal complaints procedure which has three stages:
Stage One:
You should contact the Chief Executive Officer to make your complaint. Within 10 working days, the Chief Executive Officer will:
- Have a meeting with you to record the nature of your complaint in a way you agree to.
- Advise you about being entitled to advocacy support or any other personal assistance, e.g. interpreters at the Network’s expense
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of that meeting, you could ask for your complaint to move to stage 2.
Stage Two:
Within 10 working days of your request to move to Stage 2, the Management Committee (or its subgroup) will review your complaint. After carrying out their investigations, they will decide what action (if necessary) the Network should take in response to your complaint. This could be an apology or a change in our practice.
We will report back to you within 7 working days of our meeting. If you are not happy with our decision, you have a right to go onto Stage 3.
Stage Three:
If you are not satisfied, you can refer the matter to mutually agreed independent arbitration and both sides will agree in advance that the findings will be binding.
A list of staff and Management Committee members is available from our central offices in Semington.
We welcome feedback on our services – positive as well as negative – at any time.