If you have an interest in any of the following areas and would like to have your say, you might like to become a member of WSUN:
- Older people
- People with physical and/or sensory impairments
- People who have/or had mental health experiences
- People who have learning disabilities
- People on the Autistic Spectrum
- People with long term conditions
How you are involved is up to you!
Some of things you can be involved in are:
- Attending meetings
- Being part of an interview panel
- Being part of a steering group for one of our projects
- Attending consultations/workshops organised by other organisations for example Wiltshire Council
- Receiving relevant information that might interest you
- Being part of the Management Committee
- Being involved in campaigning about the issues that affect you
If you would like to become a member, you can call us on 01380 871800 or send us an email to info@wsun.co.uk.