What information does the hub provide on work/employment?
The hub links to a number of different resources for you, including:
- Finding employment – The ‘Finding employment’- free online training module from the National Autistic Society
- Access to Work – support/grant – Information about Access to work, which can help people get extra help such as special equipment or help getting to and from work
- WEST – Wiltshire Employment Service Team – WEST assists young people with finding and sustaining varying levels of paid employment with local employers. A referral is needed to access the service.
- Looking for or applying for a job – Including information about whether or not to disclose your autism diagnosis to a possible employer.
- Support at work – Information and advice for autistic people currently in work. Including tips for interacting with others, coping at work, dealing with bullying in the workplace and also what the law says about your rights at work.
- Guidance for employing autistic people – Explaining the benefits of employing an autistic person