Interesting articles about autistic people in the LGBTQ+ community
Living between genders
Published on 15 September 2021
“ ‘Trans’ people with autism express a gender at odds with societal expectations, or reject the male-female divide entirely. Many are breaking new ground on how identity is defined — and what it means to also have autism” (Quote taken from spectrum news)
Why we need to respect sexual orientation, gender diversity in autism
Published on 15 September 2021
LGBTQ+ article
Increased gender variance in autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Published on 15 September 2021
LGBTQ+ article
Celebrating LGBT and neurodiversity
Published on 15 September 2021
Article about having more support and visibility for those who has autism and are part LGBTQ
Gender identity, sexual orientation and adverse sexual experiences in autistic females
Published on 15 September 2021
Research findings that showed Autistic females were more likely to identify with a transgender gender identity and non-heterosexual sexual orientation to non-autistic females.
Sexual orientation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Published on 15 September 2021
Research findings that showed 69.7% of autistic people in this cases study identified as Non-hetrosexual
Autistic people more likely to identify as LGBTQ
Published on 15 September 2021
Article about autistic people being more likely to identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community